Thursday, October 9, 2008
I Deep Throat Heather Simulacrum!
hehehehe, yeah, I resurrected after years of not writing ... oslo well actually have been a couple of months right? ... nevermind. XD
Thousands of things have happened in this period (from April to October) the most more bad than good ... well, I will not lie, has been fair ...
I do not set dates because I do not remember ... So try to summarize what has happened:
Well, first they sent me to a forum of roll (not published if it opens it around ...) "The Host Club."
In this place comes with a new friend who did, and I recommended the place to be yaoi forum roll (yeah, yaoi, and read and play Avenge \\ @. @ /
of our popularity. Unfortunately and some internal squabbling that affected us deeply Owner, Louis
(Yami sip! the administration = D) and me, things began to degenerate.
And basically all started last month ... well at least all that would be called direct war. First we hacked the forum .. That could overcome thanks to the immediate action of Louis (Yami love you> w \u0026lt;) and the work we did together below.
Then, almost the next day, the server
EJORFORO! if that damn servidr forums, is key. And as the forum is affectionately been working on that server (interested in this information, please retirence of the forum and build on .... no ... invision free? = D). was the last straw, all disappeared, all our postings from the first when the forum was created, and only the structure left us .... I complained for days, almost two weeks to help me with my case, I put more than 27 posts in the forum for help, and completely ignored me. Anyway, the story does not end there (and I know people do not like reading much but anyway, do not expect to read it, I really just want to remember).
We were going to give up on Aquel incident, so we decided to open a second forum, "the continuation of the above", and it went very well! Previous users attracted to new processors / users also sy! everything seemed out of the best ...
Finally, after an altercation last, we are supposed to end this chapter ...
Through it we decided to leave the forum (so maybe you will notice that this time I have not taken a single link), and the forum, unfortunately, will be closed by its original owner, who after many months of absence returned with other goals in mind, very different from ours in relation to your forum ... But come on, who knows me knows I'm not giving up easily (I ignore the drama between the problem lto overcoming please XDDDDDD). And so it is, we have devised a new plan and we have a project on creation, or rather, and organization, as it already has been created .... we will not pay or be the end of the host club, just a matter of 1 or 2 days to continue the dream (and yes, there if you dare links) only this time, security measures will be much higher and, of course. Among other significant events (which I give little importance to the news no? XDDDD)
power changes me!
if, finally made my move
nursing (3rd year leave nursing XDD) to
(weee = D), so now who I am no longer looking but Thomas Marzano Salaverry, an egg of distancia of sand (and I yaoi ¬¬*). mela
So good, that's more or less what I've been (important) today ... -------
.... OH! before I forget, today
the title refers to the sham-huvo in college while writing this posting XDDDDDDD if I had to stop halfway and restart after 5 floors up and down the stairs =.= '
Although ... could also have another meaning muajajajajajajajaja XD Toy in
machine outside so there is the nick of
week (plus I'm not interesting in my nicks escribiendonada =.='),
just a nice frasesita for all : CHTMLX
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Patch Italiano Office 2007 Spain
beautiful 15 days in Spain, how nice
damn incredible moments spent with my mother and my sister.
that I spent a lot of incredible
met and drove too: P
met amazing people, I love my amiguis
They are present: this is Diego
This is Elda
This is Pablito
These are Angel and Carina
and this is Vero
haaa super clear missing roommate
xd Bueno visited sites? C
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Very Sticky Blob Of Cervical Mucus Resusitaste !!!!!
Among the things that happened, the day started a bit slow, not because it was half depressed. I felt somewhat forgotten for almost 2 quarters of the day nobody noticed it was my birthday ...
At midnight of that day, as we matriculabamos in college, I had to remind my friends, with whom he was trying to get into the same groups.
Then in the afternoon, I felt better when Pad arrived and began to habalr ocn my friends on msn, it was fun to talk between the two on my own, auqnue Pad abused as always>. &and is very beautiful, is more of a cuff bracelet, she knows how much I love the finer things bold and beautiful (pride Gotico UwU)
And Pad .......... Padfoot
Well you get paid it then **** States
0w0 Here a commemorative photo:
Y here the link to the rest of them = D:
------------------ ---------------------------
March 15:
rnments, we are talking .... When he finally let Carmen and I went with Hisoka to search Limiko, Haruka appeared in Sofia and at last! XD went .... Reaching beyond like 5.
Well, it was a day of talks, presentations, jokes and pictures (if you pass me the photographer xD) nothing unusual.
When at last I left there were nearly 8>. \u0026lt;But no matter, I felt happy and calm, and I still feel so ^ ^ THANKS TO TEAM YAOI!! Here are seeing the Black Lady! Sailor Chibi Moon!! XDDD
---------------------------------- ----------
CHTMLWell here TMLXC more pics = D:
------------------------- CURRENT
Well, not much to say now. After all the mess happened very few things, a few imbalances in things of life, I felt for a moment XD Player, but ... aunqualmente all is quiet here States fotito with
in e
The nickname of the week!:
Mina !...« Shota! Garu wants !..... Deviant amouor ~.... Purchase videos! ... I look at him like he wants more! X3 "
Sunday, March 23, 2008
How Does Hiv Rash Look Like
12. Are you going to Be Successful? FAN - Epik High (ah?
D: I hope that if I am successful, I do the same as the type of video .. LOL!)
13. Song for your B-day: Wootuh Bonda - Big Bang (No idea, I've never spent searching for that sig. This song xD)
14. Song for your funeral:
Paradox - The TRAX (YAH ~ ~)
15. Song about your life:
Begin - DBSK (asdasdasdasdasdasd.. D'x)
16. Your best friend and you are ...
TOTAL ECLIPSE - The TRAX (how nice it sounded ~ ~ (???))
23. Are you going to Have a happy life?
Ry Ry's Song - Glassjaw (and I get Glassjaw .. LOOOOOOL) 24. How is going to be your death? In Peace - Epik High (that's as obvious xD)
Are you a good person?
CLOL) 28. Your Greatest flaw ...?
~ ~ (?) XDDD)
30. Your body ...? Forever Love - DBSK (eh?? >>;;) 31. Your sexual fantasy?
36. Your Greatest frustration is ...?
Liar Liar (Burn In Hell) - The Used (what? I'm not lying! Dx (?))
Omega - KYO (AMO to these French, but I've never bsucado the lyrics of this song Dx) Curself)?
My Throat Is An Open Grave (Acoustic) - Demon Hunter (ahahahahaha xDDDDDD) 42. How are you in bed? (·////·) La La La - Big Bang (that magical ,
response deviated Big Bang ~ xD)
42. What does it make you cry?
Lie - Big Bang (That's right, is one of the things I carry
Your ideal partner is ...?
CHTML XC Eternal - DBSK (awww ~ I love came this xD) 44.
What is pain for you?
Slow Dance - Bring Me The Horizon (D magic again: it may sound philosophical & tangled to explain, if pain is like a slow dance
How is your personality?
Gajyuga - Wonder Girls (Ni idea either LOL)
46. A nickname for you:
We Belong Together - Big Bang (awwww
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Food U Should Eat With Esophagitis Gastritis la la la ~
few days ago was my The Refreshment & then I picked the DVD KAT-TUN
(it is the Taiwanese edition. . is the same, only changes to the cover & the booklet are in Mandarin instead of Japanese ~);
The got on the log, but not here .. & How long did not write, I take ~ LOL
weekend I will find it as no card I bought my parents (not tienen xD),
came to another house ~ lol I want to be Saturday \u0026lt;3 ~ ~
And there were my savings I ~
work or do not believe that I ask my parents money ..
everything I buy I buy with my allowance savings ..
takes me about 4 months to collect the money, but I did LOOOOOOL
(And I was pa
(I thought it was for today, but I saved it for tomorrow .. LOL)
need of such an event has occurred in South Korea or Japan Dx
examples to make it more clear: the state after the coup in Chile, there were events & came bands like The prisoners, etc. .. also once met various artists (michael jackson when he was included black xD) and did a concert for malnourished children in Ethiopia .. & sang '
We Are the World'
CHopotoquetenga *
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Lingual Braces Starts From 'Write some more! ".. xD
Pedro de Valdivia at 14.30 .. & Woke up at 14.20 T________T xDDD but equal was, so I have my stuff *---*
This is the result of a poor fangirl bitch who had to save 4 months of their miserable allowance to buy these things + orders via YesAsia LOL listed above CHTML iwaneses .. I will not name because, as the magazines are there, will mean that artists are MANY .. As there are several non conosco, W, (Danson Tang out! YAY, it looks beautiful \u0026lt;3) ~ Adorkable
On 24 I went to the beach .. I got bored too .. & I took pics .. not long ago to ~ D:
Yes, I am a ghost D: & what is most scary is that the picture is not photoshop Dx
Monday, February 18, 2008
Jeff Hardy Lip Piercing
The films of porngayjapo never cease to amaze!
now, I downloaded, I left it: o0o
is that .. which fall movies like this, and should be seen .. called 'Smash 3 '
And the star .. the star .. xx ~ agh
traumatized me is the SAME but equal to Kamenashi Kazuya Solo
xDDDDDDD porn actor tine the cutest nose '-' Uu
but OMG, so like how there are people in this world? xD
is serious and scary thing
Dx I did some catch .. to be seen D:
not know how hard it is to catch
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Alcetel Usb Kabel C635 First Entry (???)
so, I'm calm .. What worries me is the album that I bought for YesAsia
.. Today marks 2 months of commissioning the D:
First time buyer by & ¬ ¬ and I have problems other than the bundle that I did the first 2 weeks I ordered the Photoalbum
that should Yusuke Yamamoto Y___________________Y get as April;; * kills *
Today drew
randomente to Arashi (ParaKiss) in a notebook any D: That indecent, drawing in notebooks squared xDDDDDDDD;; e___eUu
I thought it would be easier to draw something of Ai Yazawa
.. but I realized that NOTHING IS EASY
If you have gum xD I'm a failure, I always lose the rubber i___________i
asd ~ friends only after I do this, now give me straw D:
greetings \u0026lt;3 ~ ~
Showing Boobs In Work Carnival!
I was wet, I painted, I was hit and pushed into dance, which rejects, and I must clarify that not for shame but for fear of soiling your clothes with paint that wore Dansante over the body and ultimately the camera wet or lose the portfolio that was not closed for more than try.
velosmente The day happened. Between laughter and songs, including the rush behind the musicians and dancers to take a picture, and shake the hips * * to the beat of the music that you do so. CHTMLX
C A great day .....
At the end of the afternoon, showed up the scent in the air, the scent that I like, the smell of meat. And anticucheros barranquino were present, and eating has been said, and share a couple of sticks, really long since we had wanted.
and return direct to the bus, with the face painting as well as the smiles and talking and singing loudly along the way, and to draw the attention of those present, no matter what ...
The best finish of the day, really ...
Well, I think my story more to like a story now that I look good XD jajajajaja was not intentional, just to come out well.
Well, basically this has been my day yesterday, as for today .... So my grandmother is upset by the lack of attention that I have given these days, and it happened.
And my birthday is in ...... 3 days? 0_0 go, I'm going for the 20 ..... Caracho are old! XDDDDDD
My birthday is on February 20 for those who do not remember>.> *
Well, that's all .... on the sad note, then, things have been going in backwards, and for once I would like to make things clear, but hey, that's not with you (do not get me wrong UU). I keep running and silent waiting for some attention when he pleases? or should I dispose of its distance, let me note silence and to face him? ..... or may not be ...... and this is my dilemma
XDDDD Hahaha, well, that's all for ah
Thursday, February 14, 2008
What Are All The Colors Of Cubefield Friendship
life stages and makes us keep periods of closeness and distance with friends, but these little evidence that lead us to see if they are true and lasting friendships or simply fellow some stage of our lives.
Neither option is less important, as these co-stage could be great friends, simply maco life paths were different, but usually keeps a great memory of them. Today
falling into the terrible cliché of a trading day, I allowed myself to think about all those friends, of all people who have been important to me and have Dej
Monday, February 11, 2008
Kim Zolciak In Bahamas
Sometimes I start thinking about how short life is, as the years go fast and ... in all that we have to do ....
Today's mother died one of my two best friends (yes, one of the marauders) and my house was ... commemorate the death of my grandfather ... nothing particularly nice .... One feels absent ... or might not affect you, she does not love .... but it hurts ...... is how it hurts .... Think
mainly ... everything you leave behind when they die, and those who remain, they say what they feel ... what you could not say what could not do .... reflect many things .... perhaps why he was so absent, Dimonnte seemed that I was the debt and no Pad ... hahaha ....
No, really, I wanted to express with all this .... This may just confused by many things. So far had had the mind on something else, and it was not a happy thought ... presisamente I was drowning in a glass of water by anxiety and uncertainty ... and this ... is like a blow back to reality ....
I am missing something strange, serious, quiet, but .... quiet, very quiet ... agovia me nothing, just feel it all went for a walk, all the problems, simply because I care for nothing ....
'm vulnerable to issues of death ... I hate ...
not subject you to my own death, so I do not care about the truth; Nbsp;
Debi call my journal "the Pensieve" hehe ....
And yet I afford to make jokes ....
Tomorrow ... Tomorrow I will go to the funeral, faith will field about 2:30 pm .... just in case anyone wants to know ...
Well, that's all for now, the entertainment will come soon, I can not be absent for a long time, I consume, and consume those who depend on me ....
happiness and vivacity is not depression, not mistake, do not feel bad ... just ... out of place ...
Finally, it is all for today.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
South Park Ding Dong Ok Returning to come back xD
Well, long time since I updated.
Now, what has happened since my last post ......
think of it .... when was my last post? XDDDDDDDDDDD
jajajajajaja, finally, this time not in the mood to write past events. And then I will put pictures of the last reunion gothic lolita that I went, but that's another story.
Well, lately I have been in conflict phase ... I have not scored much lately, and the closure does not make me the full truth, or my pretty little head, or my spirit dreamer, that beyond the msn, forum and slash fics do not live anything new.
Approaching and St. Valentin, I fall in single quand I, and we is not no drama about it, I just this December CCOUNT. I promised a friend to go with her that day, only God knows because I drop these promises ... CCOUNT December and later that I had the opportunity to go with someone I really want to go .... but I can not break a promise.
know? Prongs said he would, tell him I have something else to do, or that my grandmother did not want to leave or that I, and what Postpone ... BUT THAT'S NOT HONEST !!!!!!!! (If you know, lost opportunities and the Sarita, I repeat! MICHI ENDS AS OPPORTUNISTIC GRYFFINDOR MISS 2008!? >.>*) Not honest for anyone, or me, or my friend or for another person, and this is not me! I'm honest ... terribly honXD .... Which reminds me I should make some adjustments to this thing .... just in case ... perhaps
Anyway, that's all for now, I have many things to think about and I have an emotional crisis =.= 'but .. if anything I'm sure, is that I lack the courage to confess to things ... only I have to face some fears and find the perfect shape, then ... everything to fate!
Oh yeah! I almost forgot ...........
O U N V E O C H I O N ! ! !
D E L A R A T A ! ! !
As I have not changed nick, nick there a week = D
speak of signs so attentive nomas , entertainment is the only thing that s provides
XD That is .... XD all
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Copyright Russan
Hakuna Matata Hakuna MATATA
One way to be
Hakuna Matata
Nothing to fear
Without worrying is how we should live
To live well here I learned Hakuna
When a young man was the
When I was young Well
felt his smell gave him much fame
emptied the savannah after eating
'm a sensitive soul, though I
Leather Covered And my friends the wind took
Oh Shame, shame
My name changed to Hortensia
That name does not suit you and many suffered