Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wii Sports Splitter Strike

My occupations fell a little xD ... or something. I have to finish the bag today, a strange task of the kind of human values that are supposed to be in the group but nobody wanted to do. Truth or have reviewed, but if I understand and I will do everything in the room but have agreed that we did not because he does not understand the machiwi XD, I did not ask me to endure so if they say something not do it.
also supposedly I have to do a drawing on the Baroque period dress but .... just got back to Renaissance! . _. we have not even come to the presentation of baroque as to leave us a task, that makes no sense x_x. Vien

fraud I have so many things to do XD I already was going to put me to read manga ... after last week need .___. 801 that's not fair.

On the other hand, emerged as the new cap. *_____* Hetalia waited over a month!. But that's okay, this chapter begins latercera jujuju season. I want to see Takumi-kun II; _; just not me.

Today I was whispering the new collections of random shops there on my way to school, sometimes I like to get the spring-summer because everything is in bright colors and outrageous demasidado I do not like cutting apart XD or fairly baggy neckline (and that ami


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