Prue and I understand
The Dryads (in Greek Δρυάδες 'tree spirits') are nymphs associated with Greek mythology and Hinduism living in near forests and trees, or in the trees. Dryads establish a link from its source with a specific tree, originally in an oak Celtic Druid culture. Drys in ancient Greek means oak. In primitive times, the Greeks imagined that there were people who lived in the acorns. The caryatids were associated with walnut trees before they were used for architectural purposes. And the dryads of ash were melíades engendered by Gea to be fertilized by the genitals of Uranus thrown Cronos.
If dryads live in trees, then they called hamadryads , as is the case Atlantia.
Like other nymphs, dryads supernaturally enjoyed a long life, but if the tree died, they ran the same fate. For this reason, dryads and the gods punished mortals who harmed trees without giving a tribute before the nymphs. Pleiades
In Greek mythology , lArtemis courtship, they shared a love for the game of it, and as she tried to keep her virginity. There is some debate about the origin of the name "Pleiades." Previously it was accepted that derived from the name of his mother, Pleione. However, it is more likely to come from πλεϊν, 'sail', as the group of stars is visible namesake night in the Mediterranean during the summer, from mid May to early November, which coincided with the boating season in antiquity. This etymology was recognized by the ancients, including Virgil (Georgics 1136-138). due Pleiadeshave had considerable charms on, as several of the most important Olympian gods (including Zeus , Poseidon and Ares ) maintained relations with the seven celestial sisters, relations which inevitably have the birth of several children: Maya, the largest of the seven Pleiades, was mother of Hermes with Zeus. Celeno
was the mother of Lycus with Poseidon. Alcyone was mother Hyrieus with
Lico.Electra was mother Dardanus and Iasión
with Zeus.- Sterope was the mother of Oenomaus with Ares. Taygete
- was the mother of Zeus Lacedaemon also.
- Merope was the only one of the Pleiades that maintained relations with the gods. In open cluster of the Pleiades
- only six of the stars shine brightly. The seventh, Merope, he does poorly because it is eternally ashamed of having sex with a mortal. Some myths also say that the star does not shine is Electra in mourning po
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