Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bike Ustomizing Games [CLOSED] PREORDER OF GOODS IN CONCERT Kanjani8 8UPPERS 2010 to 2011

or is the main thing to buy things online.

Second must have an account

, since this is the service to shop online which is also used by my friend.
Prices are in dollars, but if you want to know how serious your currency just tell me your money and will gladly give them the money.
    Payment is in two parts, one is only paid for how much it's worth the object, and once you got lI object to my friend and usage charges from my friend (Singapore) to the buyer's country.
  • objects do not store or reserve.
  • Please only serious people who are really willing to buy things. Post
  • The products will be purchased directly from concerts in Japan, but will be sent from a friend in Singapore.
  • We are not responsible for lost or damaged. C
  • HTMLXC Price does not include the cost of shipping.

  • If you want to know how much is the shipping to your country, just tell me which country is and will gladly give it to them.
There are two ways to send, by mail or registered mail.
Order Form
  • If you want to order something leave me a comment here or send me a msg to, in either of two ways I have to fill this: Item # 1 Name: Purpose:
  • Quantity:
  • Mail: Mail paypal: Country: CH
  • Shopping Bag: $ 25 U.S.
  • Penlight : $ 26 U.S.
Bracelet: $ 13 U.S.


: $ 26 U.S.

Card Game: $ 20 U.S.

cards with messages (7 total)

: $ 20


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