The first two trilogies of books from the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends, written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Apart from these 6 books, there have been many other books about the adventures of the previous Heroes of the Lance, of characters from folklore or history of Krynn, and also on the appearance of various nations who inhabit
Tasselhof Burrfoot
- Raistlin Majere
: Mage red robe, of neutrality, but whose main objective is to increase its power. Do not hesitate to betray his friends to get it although it has its good side, although he does not like to admit. To become a magician went through an ordeal that shrank physically (taking into account that your skin has a golden hue and his eyes are relNo other books too.
History: Times are in his world war, Krynn, and the story begins when, at the inn where she will meet, come two endangered barbarians, possessing a magic gem whose cause is be immersed in an incredible adventure that takes them to meet old acquaintances and decide the course of the war between good and evil.
These are the first three books: The Dragonlance Chronicles. These will
following three books: Dragonlance Legends In Dragonlance Legends tell us a little more what happened to our fellow dand adventures in this strange and charismatic universe. Without a doubt the one who gets all the merits and more than a laugh heartily is the darling
Tasselhof Burrfoot care
with others' property. For example: Tas comes home from Tika and Caramon, and not find a way from the entrance to the room, on the way this is what happens
(...) \u0026lt;\u0026lt;It is fantastic! - Was the comment most often repeated in his tour of the cabin toward the bedroom, now closed, from where the rampage. A Tika not mind if I hold in order to study it, restore it to its place when done. - And the object fell on his own initiative, in its pouch. Look at that! Wow, has a resquebrajadura. I sure would appreciate it to their attention. "And he opened another bag to collect the new treasure. What makes the dish of butter in a place so absurd? Tika should keep in the pantry, take him away. "But the gorgeous tray is better accommodated in the recesses of his pack, so I installed them. I will order later.>>
No doubt the way leave you breathless with laughter and adventure, while others will also do their parts. Especially when Flint comes into the adventures of the Kender.
Books (in chronological order)
1-The Return of the Dragon (1984) Qualinost 1-2-The Incorrigible Tas Kitiara
3-4-Uth Matar and Measure Code 5-Flint and Steel 6-Mithas
and Karthay
The Making of a Black Robe 1 - Raistlin's apprentice magician 2-Raistlin , crucible of magic mage Raistlin 3-4-Raistlin
warrior, the Red Robe Preludes
1-Lunitari Guardian 2-The land of the kender 3 "The Brothers Majere, Caramon and Raistlin
Preludes II 1-Riverwind's mission 2-Flint, king of the gullys 3-Tanis Half-Elven
Dragonlance Tales (Tr
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